Deciphera | Judy's Story
"Judy’s Story" is an animated short film uniquely encapsulating one woman's journey through the trials and triumphs of battling GIST, a rare form of cancer. This poignant narrative is inspired by the real-life experiences of Judy, a resilient cancer survivor whose powerful letter to her cancer forms the backbone of our film.
In crafting this story, we take viewers on an emotional voyage, visualizing Judy's heartfelt words through vibrant animation. Our film transforms her personal struggle into a universal testament to human resilience and the courage that defines every cancer battle.
Crafting Connection
Receiving a Cancer diagnosis stops you in your tracks. It destabilizes your life, and forces you to contend with the fact that tomorrow isn’t promised. Being diagnosed with a rare Cancer, such as GIST, carries these challenges and then some. The disease is uncommon, and this fact strips away one of the most helpful tools a person has in their fight against Cancer - a supportive community of people in similar circumstances. The “Letters to GIST” series seeks to connect people suffering in isolation, starting with “Judy’s Story”.
Finding Our Story
While laying out the storyboard for this film, we wanted to strike a balance between celebrating Judy’s resilience and honoring the truth of her difficult journey.
Production began with creating 3D models of the real-life Judy and our scene environments. Once the rough animation and camera blocking were set, our 2D animation team refined the motion and employed various techniques to achieve our unique hand-painted aesthetic.
Visualizing Cancer
At the heart of our story, we find Judy, bravely addressing her cancer, mourning the life it has taken from her, and ultimately conquering it. Our choice to portray cancer as an ever-transforming entity— a knotted mass of jagged shadows and overwhelming darkness—reflects the unpredictable and pervasive nature of the disease.
“I have plans, and I plan on keeping them” - Judy
Client | Deciphera
Creative Agency | Reunion
Voice | Judy
Creative Director | Chris Carboni
Producer | Laura Bandel
Art Director | Elena Chudoba
Design | Elena Chudoba, Chris Carboni
Animation | Djeison Canuto, Elaine Lee, Chris Carboni
Music and Sound | Ambrose Yu